LeNSes is a multi-polar Network for curricula and lifelong learning capacity development focused on System Design for Sustainable Energy for All. It is a 3 year project (Oct 2013 – Oct 2016) funded by the European Commission (ACP-EU Edulink II), involving 3 design schools in Europe and 4 in Africa. LeNSes is an action of human resources and curriculum development, aiming at the promotion of a new generation of designers (and design educators) capable to e ectively contribute to the transition towards a sustainable energy for all society. LeNSes ambitions to promote a new shared and articulated disciplinary ground on System Design for Sustainable Energy for all focused on Sustainable Product-Service System (S.PSS) and Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) models, through a series of exchange activities and pilot courses at the partner institutions.
LeNSes produced an open learning e-package, a modular package of teaching materials (texts, slide shows, audio, video, etc.) and tools for designers that design educators worldwide are able to download (free of charge), modify/remix and reuse (copy left). LeNSes also promotes a series of diffusion activities targeting the design community worldwide.
For more information, visit the LeNSes website.