Mr. Fareed Ismail, South Africa
Topic/Area of Research: Sustainable Development / Renewable Energy
Affiliation/Institution: Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
Biography: Mr. Fareed Ismail is an academic at CPUT with 16 years Naval Engineering experience. He obtained his Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2013 at CPUT. He is a key figure in a Community Outreach Programme; using his Doctoral research, he implemented a project that spans beyond the confines of academia, by expanding the field of multidisciplinary knowledge in the areas of Engineering, Design, Renewable Energy, Marine life and Agriculture, thus enriching the lives of children in an impoverished community in the Western Cape. Fareed has received the CPUT Outstanding Community Engagement Award in 2015 and his community project won the SA local and provincial Early Childhood Development Programme Awards.